Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Xbox One and Smart Match will help you skip the online lines ...


If there?s one part of gaming that I hate, it?s waiting. Hell, I get edgy just waiting for a cut-scene to finish. Dammit, I need action now! And when it comes to online gaming, lobbies are the limbo of that painful waiting experience. The Xbox One has a way of dealing with that horrible wait though. And it actually sounds kind of cool.

Over on the Xbox Wire, the new Smart Match mode was detailed. Smart Match basically starts the matchmaking process for you, leaving you to do whatever else on the console instead of sitting around and twiddling your thumbs. Check it:

Smart Match Frees Up Your Time

With Smart Match, you can do whatever you want while Xbox One finds your perfect match. This means that less popular multiplayer modes and maps that have traditionally taken a long time to find players suddenly become playable. Because Snap mode is a core feature of Xbox One that lets you do two things at once, you no longer have to wait in lobbies while Xbox Live is matchmaking for you. One friend can even set up matches for your whole party.

While Xbox Live is matchmaking, you?re untethered and free to do what you want, like watch TV or check out your favorite website or apps while waiting for your next game. If you?re playing digital games, you can even play one game while Smart Match prepares a second. This freedom to break out of waiting in lobbies and do whatever you want is what separates Xbox One from systems that don?t have a way to instantly switch between tasks.

Smart match

And from there, it actually gets better:

Smart Match Lets You Know When Your Game is Ready

After you or a party member inputs the criteria for your perfect game, do something more fun than waiting; it?s up to you. Play another game, find some new downloadable content, or jump on Reddit. Take yourself as many touch points away from the matchmaking process as you can and you still don?t need to worry about finding your way back. Once Xbox One is done finding your perfect match, it will prompt you with a simple toast?no matter where you are or what you?re doing?so you can jump straight into playing.

That?s a great idea I reckon, and indicative of the multi-tasking nature that gaming consoles are headed towards. And being matched with gamers my age and if possible, low enough skill level, instead of foul mouthed Scottish tweens who insist that everyone use a sniper rifle in Call of Duty? That sounds pretty cool to me.


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China Property Developers Rally After Beijing?s Remarks

Shares of China?s property developers rallied Wednesday morning, as concerns over further tightening measures for the country?s real estate sector eased after Beijing?s latest remarks on property market.

China Vanke, the country?s largest property developer by market value, was recently up 4.0% at 9.63 yuan, Gemdale Corp gained 4.9% to 6.86 yuan, while Poly Real Estate added 4.5% to 10.31 yuan.

Analysts said the sector could gain more if Beijing takes measures to relax its controls on the property market, such as loosening curbs on financing options for property developers, in the coming months.

China?s top decision-making body, the Communist Party?s Politburo, said Tuesday that it will maintain steady economic growth in the second half of the year amid ?extremely complicated? domestic and international conditions, the state-run Xinhua News Agency reported.

For more on this, go to MoneyBeat


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Dayton says his mystery trip pitted secrecy against jobs for Minnesota

Posted by: Rachel E. Stassen-Berger under Minnesota governor, Gov. Mark Dayton, Democrats Updated: July 30, 2013 - 2:47 PM "); } check=false; } else { jQuery("#senderName1").removeClass("fc-field-error"); jQuery("#errorName1").remove(); check=true; } if(!yourEmail.match("[a-zA-Z0-9!#$%&'*+/=?^_`{|}~-]+(?:\.[a-zA-Z0-9!#$%&'*+/=?^_`{|}~-]+)*@(?:[a-zA-Z0-9](?:[a-zA-Z0-9-]*[a-zA-Z0-9])?\.)+[a-zA-Z0-9](?:[a-zA-Z0-9-]*[a-zA-Z0-9])")) { jQuery("#senderMail1").addClass("fc-field-error"); if(jQuery("#errorMail1").length

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Gov. Mark Dayton on Tuesday was steadfast in his insistence that he did the right thing by keeping the target of his economic development trip last week a mystery.

"I went because I am trying to get jobs for Minnesota and part of that is meeting with businesses who don?t share my willingness to be put in the public limelight," he told reporters on Tuesday, the first day he met with the media since his mystery mission. "If I am going to have to disclose where I went in that kind of situation, it is going to cost me the opportunity to try to jobs in Minnesota."

Dayton, who left the state last Thursday for the day on an economic development mission but did not say where he went, flashed a bit of annoyance at the media for peppering him with questions about the trip.?

"If we announced this and (said where we were going) I wonder how many of you would have even thought it was worth a story. It is really disappointing how it has been blown out of context," Dayton said.?

The governor said that it was unreasonable to demand full disclosure about what companies he was working to woo and it would destroy the possibility of getting a company to pick Minnesota if that "by making the kind of disclosure you are asking for."

"Do you want us to go out there and try to get people more jobs in Minnesota or not?" he asked. He said that reporters have a "moral responsibility" as well as a "journalistic responsibility."

In response to questions, Dayton said he had not signed a confidentiality agreement with the company in question and had made no commitments to any state subsidy if the company comes to Minnesota. He would not disclose how many jobs were in the offing, saying only it was "enough to warrant my involvement."

The governor said he believed the company would make a decision on whether to expand Minnesota jobs within a few weeks.


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Barletta, Hazleton residents react to immigration act ban - News ...

Seven years ago, Dr. Agapito Lopez testified about how he thought a proposed immigration law would affect Hazleton.

Now that another court ruling declared the law unconstitutional, Lopez said the legal process has educated people about immigration in the city that he still calls home.

"I think this is just a learning moment on diversity and tolerance," he said. "I like the city. I'm going to stay here. I won't move anywhere. There's many, many nice people here from all ethnicities."

When the case started in 2006, Lopez testified in Scranton at the U.S. District Court for the Middle District of Pennsylvania about Hazleton's Illegal Immigration Relief Act.

The act would have penalized landlords who rented properties to people who were in the country without authorization. Businesses could lose licenses and face other penalties for hiring people unauthorized to work in the United States.

Lopez said he believed the law divided the community and infringed on a constitutional right to housing by lumping together people who looked foreign.

"Whether we're citizens or legal residents or undocumented, we all have the same face," he said.

The court ruled the law to be unconstitutional in 2008. Then, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit in Philadelphia upheld that ruling in 2010 and again on Friday after being asked to reconsider the case by the U.S. Supreme Court.

Hazleton Mayor Joseph Yannuzzi wants to appeal again to the Supreme Court.

Kris Kobach, the attorney who represented the city and helped write the law, thinks the Third Circuit ruling conflicts with decisions of other circuit courts' decisions.

"It is a case that warrants Supreme Court review," he said by email.

The Supreme Court has upheld provisions of an Arizona law that required employers to use the federal service called E-Verify to check the immigration status of prospective employees. Hazleton's law protected employers who used E-Verify, and the city now uses the service when hiring workers.

Because the courts prevented the law from ever taking effect in Hazleton, Friday's ruling won't affect Hazleton as much as other areas, Lopez believes.

"It will have a big effect nationwide in Arizona and Farmers Branch, Texas, and other cities that are thinking similarly," he said.

In reviewing an Arizona case, the Supreme Court upheld a provision that revoked licenses of businesses that hired undocumented workers.

Hazleton's law strayed too far from federal law by defining businesses so that someone could be sanctioned for buying lemonade from a stand or items at a garage sale, the Philadelphia court ruled.

U.S. Rep. Lou Barletta, R-Hazleton, said he has widened his knowledge of immigration by visiting border areas since being elected to Congress after leading the effort to pass the law while he was mayor of Hazleton.

He advocates protecting the southern border with fences, drones and more patrols. A Senate bill creating a way for unauthorized immigrants to become citizens, he said, offers amnesty without security.

"I do support using a physical barrier where plausible, but not as the only means of enforcement," Barletta wrote Monday in an op-ed article for The Washington Times. "We know that 40 percent of the illegal immigrants currently here did not cross what we consider a traditional border. They arrived on a visa, allowed the visa to expire, and simply disappeared into the interior of the country."

To discourage disappearances, he proposed a bill that increases penalties for those who overstay visas. Another bill that he supports would study how a 1986 law that gave citizenship to unauthorized immigrants affected wages and added to the costs of providing social programs.

Hazleton proposed its law after immigration added to costs borne by schools, the hospital and other agencies.

"We noticed that while our population had increased by 50 percent, our tax base had remained the same," Barletta wrote.

Plaintiffs who sued Hazleton, however, noted that Barletta once vowed to make Hazleton the toughest city in the country for "illegal immigrants."

"Hazleton was the first locality or state to try to drive Latinos out, and the courts have repeatedly slapped down its effort," said Juan Cartagena, president and general counsel of LatinoJustice PRLDEF, which provided legal support for the plaintiffs.

"All of the courts have said the same thing: immigration is the purview of the federal government. It's time for Hazleton - and other municipalities and states - to stop trying to harass Latino immigrants out of existence."

Jose Lechuga, a landlord who owned a store in Hazleton with his wife, Rosa, testified seven years ago that the law hurt his business and caused people without legal status to leave Hazleton.

The Lechugas have moved out of Hazleton since then.

Many other plaintiffs remained anonymous and were listed as Jane Doe or John Doe on court documents.

Landlord Pedro Lozano-Gomez, the lead plaintiff in the case known as Lozano v. Hazleton, currently resides in Luzerne County prison, where he awaits trial on charges of child pornography.

Lopez, who testified on behalf of another plaintiff, the Pennsylvania Statewide Latino Coalition, said continuing the appeal to the Supreme Court will add to the legal costs that the city incurred.

Hazleton's law is modeled after legislation proposed, but never enacted, in San Bernardino, Calif.

"They calculated the cost to defend it so they scratched it," Lopez said.

Hazleton collected donations on the Internet to help raise money for its legal defense and Yannuzzi said the city will continue to seek contributions while continuing its appeals.

Victor Perez, president of the Dominican House of Hazleton, another plaintiff, said the city has better ways to spend money than by continuing the appeal.

The president, the Senate and the House of Representatives, he noted, are seeking a new immigration law.

"We believe they are higher authorities. We believe we have to let them decide," Perez said., 570-455-3636


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Robin Thicke's 'Blurred Lines': Paula Patton Reviews Hubby's Album!

'I love 'Blurred Lines'; I listen to it when I run on the treadmill,' the '2 Guns' actress gushes of one of her fave tracks.
By Rebecca Thomas, with reporting by Josh Horowitz


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Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Publix robber wanted for crimes across Florida

Authorities are linking at least four robbery or attempted robberies at Publix stores in Florida to the same criminal.

4:08 p.m. EDT, July 30, 2013

Authorities are linking at least four robbery or attempted robberies at Publix stores in Florida to the same criminal.

Photos were released Tuesday of a man who robbed a Winter Park Publix on Sunday and attempted to rob a Deltona Publix about 90 minutes later.

"Other incidents with a similar description of a suspect were reported in Osceola County on Saturday, and Winter Park and St. Augustine on Sunday," Brandon Haught, a spokesman for the Volusia County Sheriff's Office said in an email.

Winter Park police responded to a report of a robbery with an "implied weapon" at 5:08 p.m. Sunday at the Publix at 440 N. Orlando Avenue, a police report said.

"No information about the amount stolen will be released,'' Winter Park police said.

A man tried to rob a Publix worker at 6:30 p.m. Sunday at the store at 2100 Saxon Blvd.

"A man presented a note to a clerk at the customer service counter that demanded cash and warned the clerk not to call for help. However, the clerk didn't comply,'' Haught's email said. The suspect then folded up his note and left. There was no weapon seen or implied."

The store manager went outside said the would-be robber vanished after heading toward Finland Drive.

"But a moment later a small white pickup truck, possibly a Chevrolet S-10 or Ford Ranger, with a white camper top drove recklessly northbound on Finland Drive and then turned right onto Saxon Boulevard,'' Haught's email said.

Anyone who has information about the attempted robbery is asked to call the Volusia County Sheriff's Office at (386) 860-7030.

People with information about the Winter Park robbery call CrimeLine at 1-800-423-TIPS or Detective Lisa Suepat at 407-599-3282 or


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A Bearable Harlem Shake (VIDEO)

A Bearable Harlem Shake (VIDEO)

Thank you, Reddit. The Harlem Shake may have gotten old fast, but puns never do.

Also on HuffPost:

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  • WTF Bomb

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  • Nature Documentary Bomb

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  • Riding Bomb

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  • Smiling Cat Bomb

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  • Dog Bomb

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  • Old School Bomb

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  • Driving Bomb

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  • Watching The Baby Bomb

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  • Stealth Cat Bomb

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  • Censoring Dog Bomb

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  • Another Sneaky Cat Bomb

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  • Underwater Bomb

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  • Disapproving Cat Bomb

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  • Night Vision Cat Bomb

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  • Meerkat Attack Bomb

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  • Landscape Bomb

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  • Family Photo Bomb

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  • Beluga Bomb

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  • Another Jumping Dog Bomb

    "My husband and I were taking our border collie, Jack, out for his daily beach run and play. (This) is the photo of him being photobombed. I didn't see the dog until I saw it on the screen after the photo was taken."- Submitted By Laura Hancock

  • Waterbuck Calf Bomb

    "I was trying to take a picture of this cute Waterbuck calf, when it's mom stepped in to see what I was doing to her baby...LOL." Submitted by: Karen Stephens

  • Curious Dog Bomb

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  • Sneak Attack Dog Bomb

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  • Scary Cat Bomb

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    AP Source: Obama to meet with Mideast negotiators

    WASHINGTON (AP) ? A White House official says President Barack Obama will meet Tuesday morning with Israeli and Palestinian negotiators involved in a new round of peace talks.

    The meeting was to happen at the White House as a second day of talks overseen by the State Department was getting underway.

    The Washington negotiations are the result of Secretary of State John Kerry's six months of furious shuttle diplomacy. A previous Obama administration effort to restart stalled talks collapsed quickly in 2010.

    The official insisted on anonymity in order to confirm the meeting before it was formally announced.

    Associated Press


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    Android 4.3 Update Brings TRIM to All Nexus Devices

    One of the common complaints late in the life of the original Nexus 7 was slow storage I/O performance, leading to an inconsistent user experience. After a fresh flash, the Nexus 7 was speedy and performant, but after months of installing applications and using the tablet, things began slowing down. This was a friction point that many hoped would be fixed in the new Nexus 7 (2013) model, which it was. There?s even more to the story though, it turns out Google has fixed that storage I/O aging problem on all Nexus devices with the Android 4.3 update.

    In our Nexus 7 (2013) review, I talked about how I had confirmed that Android 4.3 onboard the device had enabled support for fstrim, an application which TRIMs blocks not in used by the filesystem. TRIM is essentially the paging channel through which the OS tells an SSD or eMMC controller that a block is no longer in use, and thus ready for garbage collection. This is critical for maintaining performance on the controllers in use across smartphones and tablets and preventing aging-related I/O performance slowdown.

    Remember that deleting a file in software isn't actually communicated to solid state storage (whether SSD or eMMC). The space is freed up from the user's perspective, but the eMMC controller in this case still treats the pages in NAND as having valid data. Let's say you copy a 3GB movie to your internal storage, watch the movie and later delete it. You'd have 3GB free to re-use, but until you re-write those blocks the eMMC controller would treat all 3GB as valid data. There's a data structure used by the eMMC controller that tracks mapping logical locations to physical locations in NAND. I won't go into great detail here but the more complex that mapping becomes, and the more locations that have to be tracked, the slower internal NAND management works.


    TRIM (and its equivalents) establishes that communication between file system and eMMC/NAND controller. When unused blocks are TRIMed at the OS level, a signal is sent to the eMMC controller telling it that it no longer has to track that data. A good controller will then schedule those NAND pages/blocks for garbage collection/recycling, thus improving performance. Note the use of the phrase "good controller". Enabling TRIM support is most definitely the first step though.

    Although I had searched for direct confirmation before posting the Nexus 7 (2013) review, and had found some references to it, a reader of ours found fstrim inside vold (the volume daemon) and the notes essentially describe what I?ve said already.

    I?ve learned a bit more on the conditions underlying when Android 4.3 will TRIM filesystems, as it wasn?t completely clear before. The Android framework will send out a ?start idle maintenance window? event that the MountService listens for, and then invokes vold to fstrim filesystems when a few conditions have been met ? the device hasn?t been touched for over an hour, no idle maintenance window event has been sent in 24 hours, and the device is either off-charger with 80% battery or on-charger with 30% battery. The goal is to have fstrim run roughly once every 24 hours if you?re in the habit of plugging the device in to charge every night.

    Fstrim sends the FITRIM ioctl() command to all writable filesystems when invoked, which discards (TRIMs) blocks on the eMMC not used by the filesystem. Without TRIM the controller will track blocks that have data deleted by the filesystem, but the controller still believes has data it needs to track. TRIM is the signaling pathway through which the filesystem and OS can tell the controller that it can now consider those blocks unused and for garbage collection ??different controllers will behave differently since it?s their prerogative to decide what happens next however.

    It?s also easy to check and see that fstrim is running on devices over adb, by running and looking for it:

    adb logcat -d | grep -i fstrim

    Example output from a few Nexus devices I have handy which have been on for over 24 hours and have the Android 4.3 update installed.

    Nexus 7 (2013)

    ??[brianklug@MBP] - [~/Downloads/APKs] - [Mon Jul 29, 03:30]

    ??[$] <> ./adb ?logcat -d | grep -i fstrim

    I/fstrim ?( ?172): Starting fstrim work...

    I/fstrim ?( ?172): Invoking FITRIM ioctl on /cache

    I/fstrim ?( ?172): Trimmed 564789248 bytes on /cache

    I/fstrim ?( ?172): Invoking FITRIM ioctl on /data

    I/fstrim ?( ?172): Trimmed 25105637376 bytes on /data

    I/fstrim ?( ?172): Invoking FITRIM ioctl on /persist

    I/fstrim ?( ?172): Trimmed 0 bytes on /persist

    I/fstrim ?( ?172): Finished fstrim work.

    I/fstrim ?( ?172): Starting fstrim work...

    I/fstrim ?( ?172): Invoking FITRIM ioctl on /cache

    I/fstrim ?( ?172): Trimmed 0 bytes on /cache

    I/fstrim ?( ?172): Invoking FITRIM ioctl on /data

    I/fstrim ?( ?172): Trimmed 1045696512 bytes on /data

    I/fstrim ?( ?172): Invoking FITRIM ioctl on /persist

    I/fstrim ?( ?172): Trimmed 0 bytes on /persist

    I/fstrim ?( ?172): Finished fstrim work.

    Nexus 7 (2012)

    ??[brianklug@MBP] - [~/Downloads/APKs] - [Mon Jul 29, 03:46]

    ??[$] <> ./adb ?logcat -d | grep -i fstrim

    I/fstrim ?( ?122): Starting fstrim work...

    I/fstrim ?( ?122): Invoking FITRIM ioctl on /cache

    I/fstrim ?( ?122): Trimmed 122961920 bytes on /cache

    I/fstrim ?( ?122): Invoking FITRIM ioctl on /data

    I/fstrim ?( ?122): Trimmed 1087574016 bytes on /data

    E/fstrim ?( ?122): Cannot stat mount point /radio

    I/fstrim ?( ?122): Finished fstrim work.

    I/fstrim ?( ?122): Starting fstrim work...

    I/fstrim ?( ?122): Invoking FITRIM ioctl on /cache

    I/fstrim ?( ?122): Trimmed 118923264 bytes on /cache

    I/fstrim ?( ?122): Invoking FITRIM ioctl on /data

    I/fstrim ?( ?122): Trimmed 782077952 bytes on /data

    E/fstrim ?( ?122): Cannot stat mount point /radio

    I/fstrim ?( ?122): Finished fstrim work.


    Nexus 4

    ??[brianklug@MBP] - [~/Downloads/APKs] - [Mon Jul 29, 03:47]

    ??[$] <> ./adb ?logcat -d | grep -i fstrim

    - waiting for device -

    I/fstrim ?( ?169): Starting fstrim work...

    I/fstrim ?( ?169): Invoking FITRIM ioctl on /cache

    I/fstrim ?( ?169): Trimmed 115343360 bytes on /cache

    I/fstrim ?( ?169): Invoking FITRIM ioctl on /data

    I/fstrim ?( ?169): Trimmed 888254464 bytes on /data

    I/fstrim ?( ?169): Invoking FITRIM ioctl on /persist

    I/fstrim ?( ?169): Trimmed 0 bytes on /persist

    I/fstrim ?( ?169): Finished fstrim work.

    I/fstrim ?( ?169): Starting fstrim work...

    I/fstrim ?( ?169): Invoking FITRIM ioctl on /cache

    I/fstrim ?( ?169): Trimmed 113246208 bytes on /cache

    I/fstrim ?( ?169): Invoking FITRIM ioctl on /data

    I/fstrim ?( ?169): Trimmed 1431195648 bytes on /data

    I/fstrim ?( ?169): Invoking FITRIM ioctl on /persist

    I/fstrim ?( ?169): Trimmed 0 bytes on /persist

    I/fstrim ?( ?169): Finished fstrim work.

    Users who have been experiencing slow I/O performance should see an improvement after getting the Android 4.3 update and letting fstrim run in the background a few times. Anand (the resident king of SSD and TRIM) is running some tests to investigate how much I/O performance can vary after an fstrim run.?


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    Monday, July 29, 2013

    Toyota struggles to maintain lead on rival GM


    19 hours ago

    Toyota Tundra


    It's been a tough year for Toyota, which hoped to boost its sales numbers with the rugged Toyota Tundra.

    For a vehicle with a payload capacity of 2,000 pounds and the ability to tow a 10,000-pound trailer, the 2014 Toyota Tundra will be expected to do some heavy lifting -- and not just on the job site.

    It?s been an unusually tough year for Toyota, both here and abroad. While the maker revealed Friday that it had narrowly retained its global sales lead, the gap between the Japanese giant and rival General Motors markedly narrowed and while GM gained 4 percent for the first six months of 2013, Toyota was down 1.2 percent.

    It hasn?t helped to be caught up in an ongoing political dispute between China and Japan that even saw rioters burn a Toyota dealership. But the maker has also had some unexpected setbacks in what has long been its most profitable market, the U.S., where two key lines, the midsize Camry and the Prius hybrid ?family,? suffered unanticipated sales declines. Meanwhile, the outgoing Toyota Tundra pickup has failed to take advantage of the revival of the U.S. truck market, the fastest-growing segment in the industry this year.

    ?Toyota will be perfectly positioned to take advantage of that growth,? once it launches a major update of the Tundra next month, predicted Bill Fay, the head of the flagship Toyota division for the U.S. market, during a media drive of the new pickup. He expects a 30 percent jump in sales next year. In a market dominated by Detroit, that?s little more than an after-thought.

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    When the outgoing Tundra was introduced in 2007, many analysts had big expectations for the new truck. So did Toyota, which built a dedicated factory in San Antonio, Texas to handle production. But after initially topping 200,000, sales quickly plunged. While much of that was the result of the overall crash in pickup demand during the recession, Fay admits the truck has lagged the segment?s revival.

    And it?s not the only product challenge the maker is facing. The Camry, which has been the nation?s best-selling passenger car for more than a decade, suffered a 2 percent decline during the first half of the year even as the rest of the market surged. Meanwhile, the Prius, itself the long-dominant hybrid model, was off 5 percent between January and June.

    Fay downplayed both problems, though he acknowledged both of Toyota?s key models are facing tougher competition. Ford, in fact, has made a successful point of targeting the various Prius models with an assortment of its own gas-electric models, including the Fusion Hybrid and C-Max Hybrid, which set sales records for the first half.

    The Japanese maker has had to respond by cutting prices on the Camry and by ramping up incentives on both the midsize sedan and the various Prius hybrids. But it can afford to do so, noted analyst George Peterson, chief analyst with AutoPacific, Inc., noting that the weakened yen has given the Japanese maker more cash to play with.

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    While Toyota has been increasing incentives selectively, it still has some of the lowest givebacks in the market, an average $1,660 per vehicle in June, according to, compared to $2,537 for the industry overall.

    And Fay suggested Toyota could further rein in that spending with the launch of four new models in 2014, a list that includes not just the Tundra but an all-new version of the Corolla, the 800-pound gorilla in the compact sedan segment.

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    But analyst Peterson says Toyota has other worries that aren?t so easy to dismiss. The maker has been lagging in recent AutoPacific studies that focus on not only quality, reliability and dependability ? traditional Toyota strengths ? but also on the factors that surprise and delight consumers.

    That was echoed by the results of the new J.D. Power APEAL study which also focuses on what the industry calls ?things-gone-right? factors. While Volkswagen and Chevrolet led the industry, the Toyota brand landed fifth from the bottom. Perhaps equally disconcerting, GM also topped the more traditional J.D. Power Initial Quality Survey last month, handily outperforming Toyota.

    ?The competition isn?t standing still,? said Peterson. ?Toyota has been building acceptable appliances for decades. Now they have to make products that are exciting and sexy.?

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    Indeed, the newly redesigned Toyota Avalon was supposed to be a prime example of what Toyota could do, underscoring the oft-stated goal of CEO Akio Toyoda to put more ?passion? into the brand. But that isn?t as easy as it might seem, as Toyota was reminded when influential Consumer Reports magazine ranked the new Chevrolet Impala tops in the full-size sedan segment, besting the new Avalon.

    There are other challenges facing Toyota. For one thing, caution analysts, it has become almost wedded to the Baby Boom generation and is struggling to attract younger, hipper buyers. That was supposed to be the role of Scion. The ?brand-within-a-brand? has clearly been bringing in younger blood ? but despite scoring a hit with the new FR-S sports car, overall Scion sales have fallen sharply the last several years and Toyota is struggling to come up with a rescue strategy.

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    Despite the challenges, Toyota brand boss Fay insisted he?s ?pleased with the position we?re in? going into the 2014 model-year.

    And, indeed, the maker remains a significant force to be reckoned with, echoed analyst Peterson, noting that his research finds Toyota?s reputation has fully recovered from the hits it took during the unintended acceleration scandal of a few years back.

    That said, Peterson and other observers warn that despite its size and power, the Japanese giant has some significant and mounting challenges ahead ? enough to strain even a heavy lifter like the new Toyota Tundra.

    Copyright ? 2009-2013, The Detroit Bureau


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    Sunday, July 28, 2013

    Chinese Professor Thinks ?To Rape A Bargirl Does Less Harm Than To Rape A Good Woman?

    • News

    The ongoing trial of Li Tianyi, a 17-year-old boy accused of participating in the gang rape of a woman in Beijing, spurred some vomit-inducing comments from Yi Yanyou, a professor at Tsinghua University. As the blog Shanghaiist reported, in defending the accused rapist, Yanyou posted to his Weibo account that since ?a bargirl, a dancing girl, an escort or a prostitute? is more likely to consent to sex, it isn?t as bad to rape them.

    In an attempt to clarify his comment, Yanyou continued (but probably should have kept his mouth shut):

    ?To emphasise that the victim is a bargirl doesn?t mean it?s OK to rape a bargirl. It only means that a bargirl is more likely to agree to a sexual act. Besides, even if it is a rape, to rape a bargirl does less harm than to rape a good woman.?

    Oh, so many reasons why this is horrible! First, it implies that the bodies of some women are more valuable than others. Second, it also implies that men are going to rape women no matter what, so it?s better if they rape the ?bad? women. No, that is so wrong, Professor Yi. At the very least, Professor Yi has received a healthy dose of heat from the internet for his ignorance.


    [Photo via CCTV]


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    Study Suggests Monster Energy Drinks Linked to Heart Changes

    A 2013 study presented to the American Heart Association suggests that Monster Energy drinks may be linked to an increase in blood pressure and changes in the heart?s rhythm. Lawsuits have been filed against Monster Beverage Corp, alleging people have died after drinking the highly caffeinated beverages.

    Study Suggests Monster Energy Drinks Linked to Heart ChangesA study presented to the American Heart Association during its Scientific Sessions suggests that energy drinks may cause an increase in blood pressure and changes to the heart?s rhythm. Specifically, the study, which is preliminary because it has not yet been published, examined patients? QT intervals. Participants who had just had between one and three energy drinks had a QT interval of 10 milliseconds longer than those who did not have an energy drink. Although 10 milliseconds may not seem like a long time, an extended QT interval is linked to potentially fatal arrhythmia.

    ?QT prolongation is associated with life-threatening arrhythmias. The finding that energy drinks could prolong the QT, in light of the reports of sudden cardiac death, warrants further investigation,? said Ian Riddock, M.D., a co-author and director of preventive cardiology at the David Grant Medical Center, Travis Air Force Base, California, in a news release.

    Researchers also examined the systolic blood pressure of participants and found that having an energy drink increased the systolic blood pressure by an average of 3.5 points. Study participants were between the ages of 18 and 45 and were described as healthy, leading researchers to suggest that patients who had health problems may experience more heart-related side effects.

    According to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, the number of emergency room visits linked to energy drinks more than doubled from 10,068 in 2007 to 20,783 in 2011. Patients were more likely to be male than female, although the number of visits for both males and females doubled between 2007 and 2011. The age group most often seen in emergency departments for energy drink-related issues were those aged 18 to 39, but patients aged 40 or older had an increase of 279 percent between 2007 and 2011. Finally, more than half the energy drink-related visits involved only energy drinks, with 42 percent of the remaining visits involving a mixture of energy drinks and other drugs.


    The administration notes that the amount of caffeine in a bottle or can of energy drink can vary from 80 to more than 500 milligrams. A five-ounce cup of coffee typically contains around 100 milligrams of caffeine. Furthermore, some drinks may contain ingredients that compound the effect of caffeine.

    ?Consumption of energy drinks is a rising public health problem because medical and behavioral consequences can result from excessive caffeine intake,? the administration writes. ?A growing body of scientific evidence documents harmful health effects of energy drinks, particularly for children, adolescents and young adults."

    Lawsuits have been filed against the makers of some energy drinks, including Monster Beverage Corp., alleging patients suffered fatal heart problems after drinking the energy drinks.


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    Musician JJ Cale dies; wrote Clapton, Skynyrd hits

    If musicians were measured not by the number of records they sold but by the number of peers they influenced, JJ Cale would have been a towering figure in 1970s rock 'n' roll.

    His best songs like "After Midnight," ''Cocaine" and "Call Me the Breeze" were towering hits ? for other artists. Eric Clapton took "After Midnight" and "Cocaine" and turned them into the kind of hard-party anthems that defined rock for a long period of time. And Lynyrd Skynyrd took the easy-shuffling "Breeze" and supercharged it with a three-guitar attack that made it a hit.

    Cale, the singer-songwriter and producer known as the main architect of the Tulsa Sound, passed away Friday night at Scripps Hospital in La Jolla, Calif. His manager, Mike Kappus, said Cale died of a heart attack. He was 74.

    While his best known songs remain in heavy rotation on the radio nearly 40 years later, most folks wouldn't be able to name Cale as their author. That was a role he had no problem with.

    "No, it doesn't bother me," Cale said with a laugh in an interview posted on his website. "What's really nice is when you get a check in the mail."

    And the checks rolled in for decades. The list of artists who covered his music or cite him as a direct influence reads like a who's who of the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame ? Clapton, Neil Young, Tom Petty, Johnny Cash, Mark Knopfler, The Allman Brothers, Carlos Santana, Captain Beefheart and Bryan Ferry among many others.

    Young said in Jimmy McDonough's biography "Shakey" that Cale and Jimi Hendrix were the best guitar players he had ever heard. And in his recent memoir "Waging Heavy Peace," Young said Cale's "Crazy Mama" ? his biggest hit, rising to No. 22 on the Billboard singles chart ? was one of the five songs that most influenced him as a songwriter: "The song is true, simple, and direct, and the delivery is very natural. JJ's guitar playing is a huge influence on me. His touch is unspeakable."

    It was Clapton who forged the closest relationship with Cale. They were in sync musically and personally. Clapton also recorded Cale songs "Travelin' Light" and "I'll Make Love To You Anytime" and included the Cale composition "Angel" on his most recent album, "Old Sock." Other songs like "Layla" didn't involve Cale, but clearly owe him a debt. The two also collaborated together on "The Road to Escondido," which won the Grammy Award for best contemporary blues album in 2008.

    Clapton once told Vanity Fair that Cale was the living person he most admired, and Cale weighed the impact Clapton had on his life in a 2006 interview with The Associated Press: "I'd probably be selling shoes today if it wasn't for Eric."

    That quote was typical of the always humble Cale. But while Clapton was already a star when he began mining Cale's catalog, there's no doubt the music they shared cemented his "Clapton is God" status and defined the second half of his career.

    "As hard as I've tried I've never really succeeded in getting a record to sound like him and that's what I want," Clapton said in a "Fast Focus" video interview to promote "Escondido." ''Before I go under the ground, I want to make a JJ Cale album with him at the helm."

    Clapton described Cale's music as "a strange hybrid. It's not really blues, it's not really folk or country or rock 'n' roll. It's somewhere in the middle."

    Cale arrived at that intersection by birth. Born John Weldon Cale in Oklahoma City, he was raised in Tulsa. Buffeted by country and western on one side and the blues on the other, Oklahoma offered a melting pot of styles. Cale leaned on those styles as he spent his formative years in Los Angeles and Nashville, but he also used drum machines and often acted as his own producer, engineer and session player. He'd bury his own whispery vocals in the mix, causing the listener to lean in and focus.

    "I think it goes back to me being a recording mixer and engineer," Cale said in a 2009 biography on his website. "Because of all the technology now you can make music yourself and a lot of people are doing that now. I started out doing that a long time ago and I found when I did that I came up with a unique sound."


    Talbott reported from Nashville, Tenn. AP writer Shaya Tayefe Mohajer in Los Angeles and AP Music Writer Mesfin Fekadu in New York contributed to this report.


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