Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Successful Foster Care Adoption ? How Does Your Child Grow

I am excited to tell you about the release of my new book on May 8, 2012:

Successful Foster Care Adoption ? Emotional Journey, Uncommon Love

?Imagine yourself traveling far from home on an epic adventure that will change your future and the future of a child waiting to become part of your life. Filled with hope and anticipation you know only the general direction in which to go and are not certain of your final destination. Your confidence comes from knowing you have a competent guide, and that your GPS is charged and leading you in the right direction and soon you will arrive safely home as a family with child in tow. Welcome to your adoption journey.? ? Successful Foster Care Adoption Emotional Journey, Uncommon Love

This is a comprehensive guide to help you navigate state adoption and parent your adopted children. If you, or someone you know, are considering foster care adoption you need this book to guide you with success into your new roll as a forever parent ! Here is what others are already saying about this book:

?As a child protective services worker, we are not privy to the day to day emotions foster parents go through on their journey toward adoption. This book is insightful and moving. A definite read for anyone considering adoption or becoming a foster parent.? Daneisha A. Ballard, New Jersey

?This is a powerful, beautifully written and deeply felt book! This book should be mandatory reading in every state for any parent considering foster care and adoption!? Dr. Minette Riordan, Publisher of North Texas Kids Magazine

?This book is a very accurate description of the challenges faced by those considering state adoptions, and filled with practical advice and wisdom. Deborah tackles tough issues like childhood trauma, trust, and transracial adoption in a sensitive and realistic manner. This book fills a long-standing need and will help parents and the children they adopt develop the bonds that will contribute to the bulding blocks of an emotionally healthy relationship.? David Handleman, ED.D., Psychologist and Clinical Director of the Reagional Enrichment and Learning Center of New Jersey

Look for this book on soon. Pre orders are being accepted NOW, and I will sign the first 50 online copies sold!

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