Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Tech Blogs by BIS.: Activities For Team Building

In a company, people from different families, states, or cities come and work under one roof together. When people from different groups come closer to each other, they get a chance to learn new culture, tradition and even languages of each other. But, for some people, it becomes difficult to develop such friendship quickly and thus, it makes them feel isolated. A feel of isolation makes a person feel bored and he does not develop interest towards his job. Ultimately, it leads to that person to find new job and thus, neither an employee nor an employer benefit from one another. To eradicate such issues from employees' life, there is a great necessity of organizing team building activities in today's era for organizations.

Organization's Life Depends On Employees

There is no doubt that without employees an organization has no life. It is only employees that support an organization and invest their manpower, hard work, skills and ability by which gradually a company stands and works. So, if a company does not worry about employees and their goodwill, it will lead to big crisis for employer's life. Therefore, an employer should seriously take up some steps to keep employees feel better and comfortable while working in a company.

Team Building Develop Team Spirit In Workers

For a company's growth, it is necessary that all employees should work like a team and that is why; they should have team spirit in them. This team spirit can grow only if workers of an organization involve in team activities. So, companies should compulsorily consider this essential step for their worker's goodwill. Working in a team increases overall performance and also develop interest in people towards their responsibilities. They start involving in organizational works and ultimately, it turns to exceptional benefits to a company.

Employees Should Be Given Corporate Team Building Training

As the benefit of team building activities is not hidden to modern companies, so they should provide Corporate Team Building Training to each and every employee. In training, they should be learnt about the benefits of such training. To make these trainings successful, one should organize some interesting activities or games in which employees would feel pleasure and also everyone should participate in them. Taking part in such activities will help employees to explore their inner talent and thus, they will feel comfortable at work as well.

It's a well-known saying that no plan survives the first contact with the enemy. Not that your remote team is the enemy, but the idea is the same: having a process in place doesn't mean people will use it, the results will be what you think they'll be, or that you won't have to constantly adjust and adapt.

Surely most project managers would agree. So, we have come up with guidelines for putting a team communication plan in place that will survive in the real world. After all, business communication is not just about how the organisation talks to external sources, it is also about interpersonal communication within the organisation.

Have the team build plan and commit to it

Top-down plans are doomed for failure. Getting the team to talk about what's important to them and then gaining their commitment is critical to building trust and making sure what's really important gets covered. A great example is response time. It's one thing to say ?all messages returned within 12 hours', it's quite another to say ?when you leave a message, state what's important so that people can prioritize their responses'. This way, the important things get handled first ? that's a good thing in any plan.

Post it where they can see it and refer to it constantly

The communication plan needs to be properly built and launched. But it also needs to be the way you work as a team. If people use it well, broadcast that success with the team. If it failed in an instance, ask the team why and find out if it was a one-time problem or there's a bigger problem. If people aren't using it, find out why, now.

There are plenty of reasons why a plan fails in a specific instance. Maybe the person got distracted and forgot to answer that question. Maybe they were out of town and forgot to post their status. Maybe thatfancy SharePoint system is such a pain they can't be bothered. Track your team's performance against the plan from the beginning. If it's a ?people' issue, coach them right away. If it's a system or equipment problem, fix it and show your commitment to the team's success. Enforcing rules that are counterproductive or defy the laws of physics can damage team morale. Maybe it's the plan that needs fixing, not the people.

When choosing technology, think of the outcome

Technology is critical to remote teams, but only if it helps get the work done. When deciding on the tools you'll build into your plan, start with what work needs to be done. ?We need to have quick access to the latest version of that document, so use the shared files' is a good idea. ?We have this new shared file system, so learn to use it for version control' is the same idea, but sounds like IT jargon to people out in the field. If a tool isn't getting the job done, find out why it's not working.


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