Friday, February 3, 2012

Protecting your Home and Family ? Simple Business Solutions

Home break-ins and burglaries are on the rise. Contrary to popular belief, not all burglaries occur at night. Statistics show that most burglaries and break-ins take place in the daylight hours ? often when people are at work, school or away. Although it is normal for people to consider night as the time to be more alert and protective of their homes, this is mainly due to held-over fears of the dark from childhood.

Arming yourself with the knowledge of when your home is in more danger of being robbed as well as what you can do to protect your valuables will be beneficial if this ever happens. With statistics showing that a burglary occurs every 13 seconds in the U.S. the odds are more likely that you may be a victim at one time or another during your life. In addition, due to the nature of this crime, typically only 13% of reported burglaries are solved. This is because there are generally no witnesses and thieves leave little evidence behind.

Protecting your family from harm and your valuables from being stolen is essential. Many people install burglar alarms and/or security systems; purchase a gun or a dog or install more secure locks such as deadbolts as well as stronger doors to help protect their home. All are good methods to protect your home. Making it more difficult for a burglar to gain entrance is recommended by law enforcement agencies.

The use of a safe, such as a V-Line Safe to keep valuables such as cash, jewelry, cameras, guns, collections and other items in is also a good idea. There are a variety of sizes available for everything from small items to larger items. Most burglars are looking for items that are small, expensive and simple to remove from the home and easily converted to cash.

In addition to the above steps, there are numerous other ways you can decrease the chance that your home will be chosen by a burglar. Many communities are starting neighborhood watch groups to keep an eye on things on their street. When neighbors get to know each other and familiarize themselves with vehicles and habits, it is easier to spot things that are out of the ordinary.

A burglar may watch your home to determine your schedule. The time of day that you leave, how long you are gone and signs that announce that a homeowner is out of town are all ways that can be used to establish a good time to burglarize your home. A stranger that lingers in the neighborhood can be spotted when people know their neighbors and are aware of their habits.

Another way of protecting your home is to always make it appear that someone is there. If you will be away for a few days, have the post office hold your mail, stop newspaper delivery or have a neighbor pick it up while you are gone. Neighbors can also keep an eye out for anything suspicious while you are away. Leaving lights on or using a timer ? especially different rooms at different times ? will help it look more like someone is home. Matching the timer to the routine of the household when people are home is a good idea.

Even though most break-ins and burglaries occur in the daylight hours, good lighting for the outside of your home is important. If a thief knows that you are away, night time may be considered a better time to break into your home, especially if there are areas that are dark and provide cover. Motion lights are one of the types used by many homeowners. They are not on constantly, but when motion is detected, they will come on immediately. They should be high wattage and illuminate all areas of the home rather than just the front entrance.

Large bushes and other ornamental plants on the property that provide a hiding place for a burglar should be trimmed. Often people use these plants and shrubs for privacy, never realizing they could be used by someone with an ulterior motive as well. Always make certain that windows as well as doors are locked securely. Many burglars have gained access through an unlocked door or window.

There are many steps you can take to protect your home and family. Gaining the knowledge that is needed to help you safeguard your home is the most beneficial way of preventing a burglary or a home break-in. You cannot be 100% certain that it will never happen, but preparation lessens the risk significantly.

About The Author: Cindy D. Lombardo has written this article.

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