Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Personal Training To Last A Lifetime - ICSC TV Medical and Health ...

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By admin | May 29, 2012

A fast rising weight loss and fitness alternative is becoming extremely popular to health-conscious individuals. Tired of the usual diet fads and health regimens, people who are extremely serious in losing weight and keeping it now prefer fitness boot camps over the usual trips to the gym. This sudden conversion to boot camps is caused by concrete results such as achieving almost twelve pounds less weight in just a week. The efficiency of this fitness solution is so incredible that it is not questionable that earnest dieters are all signing up for these camps.

The term boot camp is of course, automatically associated by people to military-style training. Honestly, it is not that far from what one can expect in a fitness boot camp. The workouts involved in the camp are designed for serious and strictly disciplined fitness programs. Campers get personal training in being committed to various levels of progressive exercise drills that are tailor-made for novices, intermediate, and advance participants. When they gain greater fitness and strength, they move on to workouts with higher difficulty, motivating them to reach bigger goals and inspiring them to complete all the challenging levels. Stern instructors are also there to guide and encourage campers to focus on their personal training.

Despite the firm and serious fitness-driven environment, these boot camps are still conducted in a laidback setting where the training is suited to different levels and done in groups. Health-conscious individuals get the chance to meet and make new friends with similar interests and passion in their classes. Some boot camps offer a one week personal training, where participants are disciplined to eat healthily and exercise regularly. Team games, combat exercises, circuit and core training, and adventurous obstacle courses are waiting for them. Aside from these, there are also lots of time for meditation, relaxation, and group bonding. The ultimate goal is to develop new habits that will last a lifetime for long-term fitness. They get to shed some pounds and bond with fellow campers while they are taught life lessons in these camp sessions.

It is no wonder that fitness boot camps have taken the health-conscious world by storm. Stop wasting time with all those diets and gym sessions and sign up for a boot camp now.?

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